We saw a problem with GDPR complaince.
We decided to create a solution.

We noticed that small organisations, DPOs and other data privacy professionals were struggling with keeping track of GDPR compliance documents. Their documentation often lacked consistency, approach and provided no insights or visualisations of the organisation's data protection risks.

Dapple was designed to help organisations understand their GDPR risks and help them make better privacy decisions

More than just a “data protection impact assessment template”

Dapple's mission is for organisations to have confidence in their data privacy complaince and surface their risks. So you can answer your Boss (and their Boss) when they ask questions like;

€200 per month

Work with Dapple per month

€2,160 per year

Get Dapple for a year with a 10% discount!

Both plans include

  • ✓ Unlimited Record of Processing Activities (RoPA), Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA), Legitimate Interests Assessments (LIA) and Data Transfer Impact Assessments (TIA)
  • ✓ Data breach assessment score in line with the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA)
  • ✓ Actionable items based on your RoPA and how they relate to GDPR
  • ✓ Export your RoPA, their related PIA, LIA and TIA and suggested action items

Comply Faster With Unlimited Records of Processing Activities

Unlimited Records of Processing Activities

Unlimited Records of Processing mean capturing all your commpliance requirements. With Dapple, your team can work on as many RoPAs, DPIA and LIAs as they’d like with no restrictions.

Insight risk insights

You will immediately get risk insights into your organisation, and how that benchmarks against other similar systems and industries.

Get started today!
How to Conduct a Record of Processing for Personal Data to Comply with the GDPR
How to Conduct a Data Privacy Impact Assessment
How to Conduct a Legitimate Impact Assessment
Do I need to do a Personal Data Transfer Impact Assessment?
Data protection impact assessment template in excel vs Dapple
GDPR compliance - what documents do you need?